
"And All Through the House"

If you have made plans to attend a Christmas Party that includes car people, you need to attend more than one. Many groups get together every year and have an absolute blast. Its like they hold in all this sick humor and let it loose only during the Christmas Season. Too bad, because car shows would be a lot better with sick humor and laughter hard enough to make you cry.

The right fit of people is also a big factor but most parties stay true to form and anyone can attend and feel warm and fuzzy knowing they are in the group of people they know. This is especially true amongst hot rodders, as we really don't care what you drive. We will laugh with you as well as at you, with no problem at all.

I personally have 4 different parties on the schedule this season with 1 already out of the way. All are with different groups of car people from the "tiquers" to the "rodders", with know one really caring what you drive. The Road Scholars Party had several clubs represented with DESRI, Knucklebusters, Uptown Kruisahs and Yankee Cruisers all having a great time with a farting Santa and each other.

Next on the schedule are 2 on the same day and I can't figure out which one I plan on attending. The Rods & Kustom Kruisers party is the biggest one of the year with close to 100 people showing up for the Pot Luck dinner and Yankee Swap. Then they really get fired up and roast a few people that have done something of note during the year and tell some really bad jokes, which is better than a kick in the balls but not by much.

The one I haven't attended is the Motor Menders party in Topsham which is geared more toward the community than to themselves. This could be a hidden gem in the Christmas Spirit Department and if you know the Menders it is sure to be a good time.

Well the Season has begun. Get out and have good time.


"Twas the Night Before Christmas"

The first Christmas Party of the season is always the toughest as the spirit just isn't there. It takes a little snow and a little cold, a bit of seasonal music and some eggnog, emphasis on eggnog. That was not the case today with mild temps nearing the 50's and no snow whatsoever. Eggnog was not on the menu and blues could only be found on the music selection.

The 48 fired up like it ran yesterday, shook off some dust that it accumulated, then went HO HO HO all the way to the Road Scholars Christmas Party. A bit chilly, soothed only by the warmth of the chili and the hearts of good people who attended.

Good People + Good Food equal only one thing, a Good Time. That was the fact that everybody realized before they left. A Chinese Auction and the people attending only made it better. From the Farting Santa to the Garage Buddies made from old engine parts, the time for a Christmas Party was today and being around friends made it better.



Thank you one and all for being what and who you are.
Thank you for the freedom we enjoy.
Thank you for our sense of Family in all that we do.
Thank you.

Happy Thanksgiving

Be Safe



Myself and several others, (I Hope) are looking for possible sites for a Night Time show. It has been interesting to find how badly lit some of our shopping centers or places with large parking lots actually are.

So far My search has been in the Lewiston/Auburn area with a few disappointments and one or two surprises. The Parking Garage idea has been thrown out for the sake of complying with the fact that several 4 x Each trucks can't make the height requirements at the Gate. Home depot is the best lit so far, but I can't bring myself to deal with the Mr. Universe Wannabe they have in management, so another town may be required when dealing with Homer.

A great lot but a little rough to get to is the East Auburn Baptist Church, they already do a show during the daylight and may not want to deal with some of us heathens at night. I'll get religion after the holidays if I need too, but the roof always trembles a little when I go into a church of any denomination.

So as you drive around in the evening hours, take a look at the lighting and keep us informed. We haven't locked into a specific area in the State and hope to have a handle on the "talking with Management" portion after the New Year.


Christmas Parties

Yes its that time of year, when we prepare for the Party Season. After the Thanksgiving Holiday we begin the annual foray of weekends without end and people we really wish wouldn't drink, as it only enhances the fact we didn't like them sober.

Most of the Clubs are gearing up for their Pot Luck driven Parties that usually end with more leftovers than Thanksgiving and a Yankee Swap. With the selection of Baked Beans and Chili at an all time high, the choices are not limited to just hot items. The choices of Pasta Salads and Potato Salads surpassing the national debt is a forgone conclusion. 72 different kinds of freaking meatballs that usually are so spicy they peel paint and enough Lasagna to float a boat in. Someone please tell me just how many plates of those nasty ass Deviled Eggs do we need to endure anyway. Why do we always enjoy it so?

The dessert end of this dinner has always amazed me and others with the varieties of Brownies entering the Infinitum Category. The little Mini Cream Puffs and tiny little Eclairs are intriguing only do to the fact that they are so small and only tease you into thinking you actually have had Dessert.

This thing we call a Yankee Swap is an Insult to all things Red Sox and needs a name change. Chinese Auction is insulting to Orientals and Economists so that won't work either. How about we call it, This Gift Really Sucks Swap. Now I realize that if you get stuck working in the $10 to $15 range your going to end up with some really bad stuff and that's the fun in it. The opportunity to regift is at hand only if you go to more than one party

I know for a fact that a certain 12volt Vacuum Cleaner has been to 3 Christmas Parties put on by 3 different Clubs 3 years in a row. The all time regifted prize goes to an Electric Nose Picker that is basically a Plastic Finger with a dead electrical plug, that made the rounds 6 years running.

The frequency of the gift changing hands in a single night is also part of the pleasure as a tacky gift will be exchanged but once and something different several times. The most memorable of these exchanges was a pair of C -Cup Titties that were actually ear muffs that went around the room most of the night. These actually went home with a young woman who wasn't as well endowed as the ear muffs. Then there was a sign that read Assholes Garage that finally went home after being exchanged 12 times. Whether the recepient is an Asshole is still being debated, all we know for sure is that he does have one.

If your Bah Humbug is really all you need to enjoy Christmas then you need to get out more and make your own merriment with all us other sufferers of bad gifts and baked bean gas with a side of deviled egg breath.

Remember that if your relatives stay more than 3 days you are now a hostage not a host.

P.S. Most Christmas Party Dates posted on http://roadscholars.webs.com



In order for me to write on this Blog I need to go to what they call a Dashboard, then click on the new post button and away we go. This Dashboard is also where I get the Comments that you send me (all but one of which has been posted).

Today I get to the Dashboard and something is different, a minor little icon in the upper corner tells me I have a Follower. At this point I look behind me to make sure that they are joking. It seems with the wave of social networking that has the world in its Satanic like grip, you can watch this blog like it is a chemistry experiment about to go bad in Mommies fridge. Great, I hope its not like a STD or H1N1.

Seriously, I think its a ballsy thing to do especially with this Blogs penchant for stating its opinion freely and clearly, sometimes against the grain, so kudos to Scott's Antique and Classic Cars and Parts which you can find at http://wwwscottschevypartscom.blogspot.com/ .

With that being said I will now say this, Thats the only Free Advertising your going to get.

Hope he knows what he got into, what with his twitter tweets, Facebook Faces and Linkedin links etc. all looking on like this place is special. Besides following this Blog is like following a Shit Truck sooner or later your going to get hit by a fresh turd.

Now on to business, It seems an unpublished Rumor is true and the Hodgman's Frozen Custard Show is going to be sponsored by Walmart and run by the Knucklebusters. Which in the eyes of this Editor is Fantastic. This will free up the somewhat beleagured membership to concentrate on the show itself rather than the Sponsorship.

The Frozen Custard Show has always been a great show and now it can get back to being the Show of old with its strict Class enforcement and great set-up.



We are now in the middle of Football Season, the beginning of the Holiday Season, the end of the Racing Season and looking forward to a Great Show Season in 2010.

But lost to a bunch of people is the fact that we are already 2 Shows behind on the new television season at Cruisin' New England Magazine.

Cruisin' New England Magazine started out as a Rag that was poorly planned and doubtful at best, but through perseverance and hard work by the owner and front man Paul Mennett it has become a favorite resource of many in the hobby. With its program of "Super Wheels Qualifier" shows and its "Super Wheels Showdown" in Boston the Magazine has done nothing but promote the hobby in the print Media.

Last year they expanded with a Television show that was a Showcase to many Shows and Collections. They even Showcased the "Past Gas and Ancient Oil" collection of Tim Wallace with many local Cars being Chosen for a Weekend at Mohegan Sun Casino.

The Season has already begun and its 3rd installment airs this Saturday. The nice part is it repeats during the week and sometimes airs older episode as filler on the Channel known as NESN which is the network that carries them all. Times vary, with new episodes airing at 5:30PM Saturdays unless there is a Bruins Game.

You can get more info at http://www.nesn.com/ or http://cruisinnewengland.com/

If you don't get NESN maybe you can hook up with a fellow hobbyist who does and call out for pizza and make it a Saturday Night tradition. Sounds like a better idea than hanging out at Home Depot getting stemmy over the Chrome Sink Drain.


Watch the Calendars

Just a quick little note that some dates for next year are already up on the Calendars of certain sites including the Road Scholars at http://roadscholars.webs.com/ . For the National Events listing visit the Site for a link to all the Major event sites.

Bonney Eagle is on, for the usual place and time and details can be found at this little link, http://www.bonnyeaglecarshow.com/index.html .

Next up is a minor date change that really isn't a date change. Downeast Street Rods Rod Run is scheduled for the 20th and 21st of August in Hebron at the Hebron Pines Camp Ground, which is technically a change of date but still falls on the 3rd weekend of August. Hopefully East Auburn Baptist Church and Telstar will stay on the weekend of the 14th - 15th.

Rumor has it, and at this time that's all it is, is a rumor, that the All Clubs Meeting hosted by the Rusty Nuts will be sometime in February.

The World of Wheels/Autorama Show in Boston is Scheduled for March rather than the January date of old.

Keep an eye out for any Calendar updates and mail to here (exhaustfumes@live.com) or to roadscholars@live.com so they can get it on the Calendar.

Hope you all are getting over the $15.00 Cheap Ass Trophy withdrawals. If not, a support group can be formed or perhaps an intervention is needed.



21st Century

This is totally off subject but needs to written because... well it just needs to be written.

I don't own or possess a cell phone, the wife does, but I don't. I don't need all the communication technology that everybody thinks they require. I see no need to be plugged in 24/7/365. I have a computer and know how to make it work. I have a land line that rings quite nicely with call waiting and caller ID.. If you want there is always E-Mail.

I didn't have a social network, didn't need a social network. If they had an Anti-social network I would probably belong to that.

I don't do Twitter, the only Tweets I have are at the bird feeder. Up until yesterday I didn't do Facebook or at least I thought I didn't do Facebook. Seems I had a Facebook account and didn't know it. Now I do.

So as I'm checking into this Account that I didn't know or realize I had. I'm getting these friend requests like I'm the concierge at the Ritz Carlton. Excuse Me, do I know you, I don't think so. Of the 3 to 4 hundred requests that I received I knew 2 people.

Then after sorting through that bucket of shit, they suggested that I should become friends with a whole gaggle of people of which I knew one and I wouldn't trust him alone with my dog, let alone allow him to be a friend on Facebook.

Now I've sorted, hunted and requested friends, family and anything else that would constitute a social network. I've set up my profile with minimal info, because like everything in my life, it ain't none of your f-----g business.

That was last night after I visited with some friends that claimed that Facebook was good stuff. They F-----g lied.

Today I have twice the amount of requests for friends, I know exactly how to lance a boil. I know that Lowe's is having a sale on Washers and Dryers. I found so and so was getting divorced, and threw out her husband. This Is Not Social Networking People, this is backyard Gossip best told over coffee at the back fence.

I would rather listen to the Play by Play of a golf match in Portuguese or possibly even subscribe to the National Enquirer than have somebody else's f-----g horoscope greet me every time I log on to the site.

If you find me on Facebook, Go away. If you need to find me, I'm in an antiquated thing called a f-----g Phone Book.

I will be Starting a new site for those that have had the same experience that I have. It will called, "Faceplant.com" and will include direct links to every Psychiatric hospital that is looking for the socially challenged. It will also provide your e-mail and personal information to every moron and imbecile that doesn't speak English and wants pictures of your dog humping your neighbors leg.

It will come in two versions Standard and Deluxe. In the Deluxe Version you will be provided with a bowl of Yak dung to plant your face in, the standard version will have no bowl.

I have seen the gates of Hell, and they led to Facebook.

PS Account Deactivated 11/9/09, 3:22PM EST



The comments on the posting on the National Car Show Association seem to be keying on the fact that the Organization is tainted because of an individual. This in fact is not the intent.

The intent was to raise the question of whether we as hobbyist can support an organization that is based on closed door policies with no input from any hobbyist other than their cloistered little group.

To condemn an organization or group because of the individual or individuals has been practiced elsewhere with indifference and impertinence. This Blog will not do that now or in the future. We will not stoop that low.

Bringing to light the discrepencies that live in an organization that represents itself as an authority of our hobby was the intent.



Remember I told you to think about a good get together location during the winter, well I found a good one.

Da Vinci's in Lewiston does a brunch on Sunday Mornings that is to die for. You can order off the Menu or do the Brunch Buffet for $14.99 all you can eat. Which if you really think about it it is such a better deal than the usual Sunday $15.00 Cheap Ass Trophy.

They will cook you an Omelet on the spot adding in whatever ingredients you give them from the salad bar type selection, fresh cinnamon rolls, danish, bacon, eggs, sausage and way to much to think about. Thinking of waffles and pancakes with the rest of the menu is sensory overload.

The regular menu for breakfast or lunch is available to those hearty eaters.

We have got to do this at least once.

Sundays 10-2

Something Fishy ???

Every time I visit a Blog or a site I always look for a contact spot just in case I have a question. With a blog its easy, you leave a comment and if its a good blog it will get posted or not depending on the verbiage used.

At this location you can comment or E-Mail if you wish, thus adding a little privacy to your content. At most web sites, big and small, you can hit the link that says contact us and an mail browser opens and your in. Usually within 48hrs., you get some type of response.

Organizations that are looking for members sometimes use this as an opportunity to recruit memberships and track your i/p address. A fairly common practice and your Junk mail usually gets increased very soon after. Some use it as a hole to throw mail at and never respond, just making you feel like you did your part by contacting them.

I belong to several Automobile Organizations, both local and national. All of them have some type of interaction via merchandise or e-mail or membership. All of them are open to anyone who wishes to either join them in membership, as long as they meet the criteria in some cases, or ask questions at anytime.

A national organization needs to do this to keep its integrity and public image above the level of exclusivity found in certain "Mens Social Clubs" of years gone bye.

A certain Web site that has been preached about and touted as the answer to all the trouble in Car Shows with classes etc does just the opposite. It keeps no point of contact. No e-mail address. No way to ask for help from them or offer our help to them. No way for anybody to join this organization or even if they offered a membership.

Any organization that keeps its doors closed to a greater cross section of the hobby that it supposedly supports only to remain exclusive to those that run the organization does not represent the feelings or beliefs of those who truly do support the hobby.

The organization in Question, the National Car Show Association. I support the criteria that this organization has established over the years as far as making car shows more fair and profitable. It has the potential of making an imprint on the hobby. It can not and will not as long as it keep this air of exclusivity. I will support any organization that allows the general opinions of the hobby to be heard, before, during and after any rule making or decisions. I will support an organization that hears these opinions even if I disagree with the final outcome. I can not support an organization that will not allow this either by choice or by default. This to me is not why this organization exists. It Should be for the greater good yet it seems to be only for the Greater Ego of those that tout the being of this organization.

This reeks, possibly of dead fish.

Tide Must be Out


Yes, No, Maybe, None of the Above

Phone rings, a political message from the Vote Yes to Ban Political Messages That Interrupt My Dinner. Phone again, poll on which way I will vote in the 2012 election for Street Sweeper in downtown Shitsville. Phone rings, Survey from a Virginia Based Company asking if Gay penguins should be allowed to wear lace panties, I say sure why not the Governor does. Ring ring, Major Arnold Cupcake asking me to vote yes on #345, rejecting the right to privacy in your bathroom during a bowell movement. Phones rings, Governor stating why he wears lace panties, mentions a skinny ass and comfort. Phone again, Barkat Yomama asking for my support in the Presidential race in Outer Mongolia. Ring Rang, my mother, wanting to know if I voted.

Not yet, been busy answering the phone all day.