

As my feet hit the pavement in the parking lot, the Voices began laughing. All but one was laughing and that one said, "Your Going To Be Sorry". I didn't listen to any of them.

I went to Wally World anyway.

I have a problem with going to Wally World or for that matter any store that sells Oatmeal and black lace panties within arms reach of each other. In some third world countries that would be considered foreplay. That's a vision I didn't need. But then again.

Shop supplies were in need and Wally World has them cheap. All I really needed was Shop Towels, you know the the blue paper towels that are a little sturdier than the normal paper towel. They were on sale for a $1.00 a roll. So I grabbed a bunch, 6 to be exact. and toured the rest of the Automotive Dept. to see if there was anything else I could use. I did find a neat little product called Oil Zap, which is basically a diaper to put on the floor to catch oil drips. I figured these could be useful and at 25cents each I grabbed a bunch of those also.

After my last foray at Wally World I cruised the Registers to make sure the Cashier I got could at least tie her own shoes with out a manual and got in line. Now understand I have 2 items consisting of 14 pieces (8 Oil Zaps and 6 paper towels) and that's all.

As I approached my turn in line I dropped a roll of towels and as I bent down to pick it up, what I saw were Velcro sneakers. At this point in time the Voices were laughing loud enough to be a laugh track for a 60's sitcom. I was Screwed.

The cashiers at other stores know how to punch keys and scan 1 item. Not on this day, not from this person. She did 6 rolls scanned 1 at a time, no problem. Then 3 or 4 of the diapers and God Laughed loudly. PRICE CHECK because evidently not only doesn't She know how to tie her shoes but she didn't have reading glasses to be able to read the SKU number to enter into the register because it wouldn't scan.

The Voices Sang in perfect harmony,"Please release me, let me go". They told me that I started giggling maniacally and salivating like a dog waiting for his raw meat. I'm glad they told me this as I don't remember anything.

I now have a tingling in my right hand and blurred vision in my left eye and I mumble vulgarities when I see oatmeal or black lace panties. At least I don't need bail.


Slapped Again

Here is a tale from the Bangor Show that continued into Burlington and proves that some State Employees couldn't find their ass with both hands.

A car Owner came up to me in Bangor when he saw me looking over his drop dead gorgeous 41 Willys/ Pro-Street /Street Rod. We struck up a conversation and after a period of time, I noticed his registration Plates were not Street Rod plates or Antique plates, but Custom plates.

His story is this, the BMV told him it was a custom because it was a fiber/composite body and age had nothing to do with. After double checking with the State Police and the Sec. of States office, the BMV adamantly told him it was indeed a Custom Automobile and needed to be registered as such.

You all know as well as I do that a Custom Vehicle is 1949 and up to 1979 (rolling 30year) either modified original or a composite facsimile/replica. As I stated before this was a 1941 Willys Composite Body Street Rod on a Street Legal Drag Racing Frame.

This is what our Tax Dollars pay for. Departments that do not communicate with each other in any form other than political speeches and more ineptitude and incompetence other than the Minions of Baldy we elected. Evidently we don't require a reading exam to be employed with the State of Maine.


That Don't Seem Kosher

I have kept my mouth shut long enough and now I will state my opinion loud and clear so there will be no misunderstanding.

First let me say that the Best of the Best Awards given out at Durham were given out to an outstanding group of cars and owners with the exception of one. All but the one shall be held in high esteem on these pages, infinitum.

Awhile back an E-Mail was sent recruiting votes for the Best of the Best Awards, not once but twice. At the first onset an uproar was raised over this tactic but was written off as a misunderstanding by the sender but then it was sent again. A mistake? That Don't Seem Kosher.

People have been called cheaters for trophy poaching or block voting and rightly so, but doesn't this person who blatantly cheated by recruiting votes via E-Mail also deserve the same treatment that has been doled out to others. Yet he receives a Honorable Mention when his tactic for garnering such an Award was anything but Honorable.

The belief that the rules didn't specifically state that it was cheating is bullshit, it so implied that it was cheating by the standards and past actions set forth by the award sponsor. For one who vehemently abhors cheating, to condone it on behalf of friendship only brings more contempt for both the Sponsor and the recipient.

This will only bring a less than gleaming image to more awards given, using the same criteria and will further tarnish the image of the sponsor. In some areas it will only add fuel to an already burning fire of contempt.

Cheating is cheating and getting caught cheating should be punished with a disqualification.

The honorable thing to do, would be not to accept the award, and seeing to it that the next guy in line gets it instead.

Now that would be Kosher.


Durham or Where Noah Built The Ark

Wet in the morning, wet in the afternoon, with a chance of dampness in the evening.

What was I thinking as I got out the Car and headed to Durham in the rain. I was thinking of a real good crew of people that put on one of the better shows in the state spending the day without the support they give to everybody else. When I got there it seemed a few other souls felt the same way.

Although the turnout was low and the weather really sucked, it did not deter anybody from having a good time

HotKarz awarded the "Best of the Best Awards" that have been voted on by the net users from around the world. Congratulations to all the recipients for their fine automobiles and being the "Best of the Best".

The Yankee Cruisers put on a great show with decent weather and a great show with bad weather.

Thanks for the Effort.


Entry Fees

We all know that the Entry Fees to some Shows has been the topic of discussion the past few weeks, if not all season. I'm not going to ask you to take a poll or voice your opinion or e-mail the site, but I am going to ask you to do something else.

At the beginning of the season there was a minor controversy over whether we should pay to display our cars. Some in the Hobby think they should get in for free as it is their vehicles that draws the crowd that makes the organizers real money. These guys are right in certain respects, but should check their Egos at the door as the vehicle may not be the draw they think it is.

Many people are in the frame of mind that screams, "Whats in it for me". At some shows you get a little grab bag of goodies that usually amount to what you would give a child to put in their pencil box in 1968. At the Mid-Coast show in Bath you actually get a T-Shirt. But at most shows you get nada, that's if a day with friends, doing something you love is counted as nada.

Most shows we go to charge $5, some $8, (although these are few and far between). Some have jumped to $10 and as we all know $15. These shows come in catagories that I call "A" & "B". A will be school booster clubs, Project Graduations, Scouts and charities etc.,that actually bust their butts in an effort to make the monies they need to get through the year. B will be the service organizations like the K of C, Shriners, Chamber of Commerce and Rotary, Lions etc, that are in abundance and that get the big corprate sponsors for the frills and suck up all the money for their favorite charity.

Now this is what I want you to try as an effort to curb their desire for our money. At a "B" catagory show, ASK THEM what the money will be going to or what charity they are supporting. If they can't answer you immediately then get your money back and leave. If the answer is deemed inappropriate by you then leave. ASK THEM if you think its to high a fee. ASK THEM if you think your money goes to a national fund or organization. ASK THEM if they plan on doing another Show at these prices next year. ASK THEM if they are crazy. ASK THEM if they think you were born yesterday. PUT THEM ON THE SPOT. MAKE THEM SQUIRM.

We are making them Money and we should find out where our donation is going. This is especially true if we aren't getting enough bang for the buck.

I don't mind paying, but if it seems like highway robbery I'm going to defend myself.



Durham is the bright spot most years but construction and Mom Nature may not cooperate. The construction has been ongoing for most of the summer and doesn't even look close to being done and rain is in the forecast.

Yankee Cruiseres and all the others that put this on deserve our participation.

Someplace in Durham there will be a car show, but we may have to swim to it.




As the season winds down for cruise nights and car shows with all the political intrigue of a 50's"B"spy thriller, the real political bullshit gets started. I have stated time and again that we will only discuss politics if it directly involves our hobby.

From time to time I receive a newsletter from SEMA and in the newsletter are legislative updates from the Federal Govt. and upcoming state legislation that would be for or against our hobby.

Many people don't know what SEMA stands for, SEMA is the Specialty Equipment Marketing Association. Basically its a Marketing/Lobbying organization for the parts guys we buy from who make sure the laws are in place for us to be able to own our vehicles so we can buy their parts.

They at times are a pain in our ass but most of the time they do good by us. They keep the wheels greased for us and depend on our support from time to time. We in turn rankle our politicians on a State or Federal level and everybody sees our point of view.

Below I have taken an exerpt from the latest newsletter so we all may learn from it.


Keep Your Foot On The GasWith Most Legislatures in Recess, Now is the Time to Voice Your Opinion

“We the people of the United States” are not just words from the first line of an old document. We are the people who love musclecars, hot rods, street rods, tuners, replicas, off-road trucks, and many other varieties of automotive pursuits that are as diverse as the country in which we live. We are also the people who have to work to protect our automotive passions from unnecessary, unfair, or well intentioned but poorly written laws and regulations. Fortunately, we the people live in a country where we can still make a difference in how we are governed.

Our greatest tool in making that difference is our voice. By speaking out on issues that concern the automotive hobby, contacting our representatives, and working constructively with government officials, we have the power to protect our passion and keep it safe for future generations of auto hobbyists and enthusiasts. With most legislatures out of session, representatives are in their home districts and typically have more time to meet casually with their constituents. This is also the time of year when they are planning for the next legislative session and deciding which bills to introduce. Contacting them now can have a tremendous impact by raising their awareness of issues that could impact our hobby during the next session. That is what makes right now the perfect time to get involved and build relationships with your legislators, so hit the gas and keep your foot down!

The SAN’s greatest accomplishments have come about when individual hobbyists and car clubs like you actively participate in the process and make your opinions known to your legislators. The model bill to create pro-hobby registration and titling classifications for street rods, customs and replicas has now been enacted into law in almost 20 states. These efforts have been successful in large part because of the dedication and effort of SAN members around the country who have actively pursued their legislators in support of the bill. What about you and your state? Like these members, you have that same power to positively affect the outcome of legislation to be beneficial to the hobby. To get you started, we have prepared 10 tips you can use when contacting your representatives:

10 Tips for Communicating with Elected Officials

1. Develop and Maintain Relationships with Your Legislators and Their StaffMake contact and develop productive relationships with individual legislators. It is the most effective form of grassroots lobbying. It’s also important to develop a relationship with their staff who monitor ongoing legislative and community initiatives.

2. Educate Legislators About Our Hobby and Our Issues Educate your legislator about the hobby and emphasize the positive impact it has on the community.

3. Maintain a Positive AttitudeDevelop a positive relationship with your legislator. The next time an enthusiast-related issue comes up, that same legislator may be needed to support your cause.

4. Stay InformedKeep up-to-date on SAN Action Alerts, newspaper articles, and hearing notices. Share this information with fellow enthusiasts.

5. Get Involved in the CommunityJoin with other community groups to build positive exposure. Holding charity runs and fundraisers provides a great opportunity to show local residents and politicians that auto clubs are a positive community force.

6. Build Relationships with the Local MediaContact local newspapers and radio/TV stations to publicize car shows, charity events, etc.

7. Invite Officials to Participate in Your EventsGive legislators a platform to reach an audience of constituents.

8. Build an Automotive CoalitionCreate coalitions to add strength in numbers and ensure that the rights of ALL vehicle enthusiasts are represented. Actively participating in regional and statewide councils will develop a unified message to lawmakers. These types of pro-hobbyist groups can be an influential political force.

9. Spread the WordTear off this page of Driving Force and take it to your next club meeting, cruise night or post it on your online forums. Share this information with other enthusiasts who are willing to help lobby for the hobby.

10. Register to VoteExercise your right to support pro-hobby candidates. Constituents are an elected official’s number-one priority. Without you and your vote of support, they would not be in office, so make sure you’re registered and get out and vote.


CHOP, RASH Done and Done

I planned on going to the Cruise Night up at Roy's All Steak Hamburgers, but at the last minute got a call from Big Mike saying the information toilet had backed up to tell him that RASH has been called for the year. With a whimper from the Aflac Duck.

So I packed up the 48 and went to the last of the season at CHOP and was not disappointed in the least bit. It was a great night with a great crowd. Congrats, Kudo's and a slap on the back to Bill Pierce for the impromptu award recieved from his fellow cruisers for being the Cruiser of the Year.

It is however the last cruise at CHOP until May and it will be a long winter without it. But what says that we can't still have an unofficial cruise night somewhere.

Is it written in stone or did someone write a guide somewhere where it specifically states that you need a DJ or a fake Wurlitzer Juke Box in order to have a cruise night. Nothing says we need door prizes and you can buy 50/50 tickets at Wally World (someone else can get those)

I say that someplace that isn't seasonal or tourist oriented would be fine and food would be a consideration. But in my mind there is nothing that says we can't get together with the old stuff we drive until the wee hours of October or if the weather holds November.

Making it on a Weekend would be good that way we could start it earlier and end it just after dark. Does this make any sense. Is it an unwritten rule or just the way it is. Everybody seems to ready to make major wholesale changes as far as car shows go, well changing the cruise night criteria and keep it going might be easier and less damaging to everybodies tender egos.

Besides you know what else doesn't come with a cruise night, Classes and poaching.

Might be fun.

If you ain't all stuck in a rut.


Caliber of the Chamber

We got back last night and rebooted the entire techno bank here at Exhaust Fumes. We of course went and checked the usual sights for any info on the local scenes. I found that the review of OOB, on HotKarz, was to say the least, expected and very well put.

Today I will not compare the Weekend at Burlington with the Show at OOB and only say there is no comparison. Burlington had the 2nd highest car count in its history with 1616 vehicles registered and 10,000+- spectators through the gate including the US Secret Service with President of the Republic of Macedonia wanting to see the iron on Saturday. With more English speaking Canadians in Burlington than in OOB it provided a grand view of some of the finest cars and trucks in North America.

The Comparisons between the Chambers of Commerce in Burlington and the surrounding communities and OOB are again listed as No Comparison. The Chamber in Burlington paid the bill on Thursday for a Dinner of, Ziti in Sauce with as much as the plate could hold with Meatballs the size of baseballs thrown on top, salad, bread, beverage and dessert, and a cut rate cash bar. In OOB you got Squat.

On Friday and Saturday you got a free bus trip provided by the Chamber to a shopping trip of your choice, either the Mall or a larger area called Church St. which in itself is the Size of 2 Maine Malls. In OOB you got Squat.

All Weekend they gave stuff away including awards on Sunday that the Chamber designed and paid for. In OOB you got Squat and a $15.00 Assortment of Plastic Tubes, Shiny Brittle Dodads and Tiny Blocks of Genuine Marble.

Other than that I got to do a Late Model Award rather than Street Rod, so I picked A Canadian that drove 1500 miles in two weeks to get it to Lake George and then Burlington in a Custom 51 Chevrolet 2dr Hardtop (no Post) that was low lean and still ran the stock engine and trans combination ( 6 Cyl, 3 on the tree). Gotta love that shit.

It just goes to show you that a good Chamber is willing to spend money so the people in attendance will spend money making the Chamber money in return with a stronger membership base, rather than penny ante money grubbers whose main business is ripping off its people in order to make money.


Whoopity F*&#@!g Do

Hey its that time when we all wonder if OOB is going to be as good as they claim.

I think Not. Word is that they have rescinded the 2 trophy shit and gone to the 3 trophy per class format because we bitched loud and long. Hurrah!

But its still going to cost $15.00 for your chance to win a CHEAP ASS TROPHY

So lets compare, Cruise on Friday Night in OOB, Show on Saturday in OOB with 250 (maybe) other Ego's that need stroking on a weekly basis , cost $15.00 plus gas hotel medication etc.

Or you could be in Burlington VT where on Thursday Night you get fed by the Chamber of Commerce at no charge. Ironic isn't it.

Then Friday you Show All Day or go on a poker run or some other cruise, you get a chance to win a chunk of $100,000.00 worth of prizes and on Friday Night you get a dance, with a band.

On Saturday you Show all Day and get another chance at the Prizes and another, bigger dance, with a different band.

Sunday comes up with a church service if you so desire, more chances to claim your prizes and then awards are on with more chances to win bigger prizes, like $3,000.00 Cash and if you missed it the first time you get 2 more chances as they award 3(three) $3,000.00 Cash Prizes.

When you Show All Day its with 1600 to 2000 others that have left their respective Egos at home.

Cost $35.00 plus Gas, Hotel, Booze and Food, no Medication required.

Cost effective weekend coming up for me, in Burlington.

OOB can kiss my ASS

S. Paris

Went to the last Cruise of the Season up in South Paris with a great group of Car Nuts, the Uptown Cruizah's. They put on as good a Cruise night in a real tight space that gets put on at CHOP or RASH.

The menu is fantastic with Meal Deals every week and Pie Auctions at various times during the season. The last night of the season saw at least a dozen pies get auctioned off with the proceeds going to the local Veteran's Home.

If you missed your chance, your going to have to wait until the Cruizah's get it going in the Spring.

At top Cruise in any book, Mine included.

Well done


Weekend Update

Well the Bangor Show was well attended and looked to be a success from a participation standpoint, spectators were in abundance and the vendors looked busy. But that still leaves the entry fee being what it is and now the organizers will be legitimate in claims of needing to keep it at its exorbitant rate for the quality assurance bullshit.

The Windham Show, from reports I've read elsewhere, was well attended but poorly judged, as was expected. I didn't attend the Windham Show or the Settlers Green event, instead I stayed home and did what I wanted.

I did receive an E-Mail from the Cheryl Page that the Adirondack Nationals were a great time and they received a Top Fifty Award. Well deserved and Congrats.

That being said its on to today's rant, Judges and Car Shows. In this State there are several Car Shows that have decided to use judges to upgrade their show and combat the "Buddy System" of participant voting. Kudos to them.

The down side is to the quality of the judges and the experience level of the same. Lets face facts we get stuck with Volunteer Judges whose greatest Automotive Moment was going 90MPH on the Maine Turnpike. Of the 6 judged shows that I have personally attended only 1 was dead on with 1 other doing a fair job, the rest were using the dart board method of awarding the prizes.

The other ill conceived idea is sticking the same judges in classes of car they do not know IE using a Model A guy to judge the Tuners, pissing off people the entire time. Use the resources you have in the best respective spots possible.

The other thing that I hear is the "judge didn't look at my car". In only one case have I seen the judges overlook a car that was completely prepped to be judged. Then again at only one show have I heard it announced that in "order to be judged you must have your trunk and hood open and or be available to open them for judging".

Many people assume that because the judges walk by a car and briefly look it over then move on, that they didn't judge it properly. If the vehicle had the doors closed and the hood and trunk closed, then what was there to judge.

I have been a judge and it is not as glamorous as some would have you think, in plain English it sucks. You get pummelled by yapping owners who suddenly want to be your best friends and take you to the prom and so on. Then you get berated by the same guy because you spent 1.7643 seconds longer on the guy next door than on his. At one time I had participants calling me to ask my qualifications after the show had been over for a week because they felt they were robbed of the proper award.

Guess what, I don't do judging anymore.

What we have are amateur judges some with decent qualifications, using a judging system that changes with the wind direction for organizers that want their buddies to win in most cases and who fail to announce the criteria of open hoods etc for a judge to even look at your vehicle.

The harvest is ready as misunderstanding is ripe for the picking.


More Pie Anyone

The cruise season is winding down with C.H.O.P. winding down soon and R.A.S.H. soon to follow.

Tomorrow is the Last Cruise of the Season for the Uptown CruiZah's at Advance Auto Parts in South Paris. These Guys and Gals have had to cancel only one cruise this year and have stayed the course the rest of the time. Evidently Mother Nature has smiled on Monday's in South Paris and allowed them to have a full season.

The menu is as always the most diverse with the Chop Suey reigning supreme and the service the best.

They wrap up their season with the Infamous Uptown CruiZah's Pie Auction. Bring your Wallet and your Appetite, because tomorrow Pie will not be part of a Mathmatical Equation



Somehow people have egos bigger than the economy or they really are hard up for a Car Show in the Greater Bangor Area.

The turn out was like the weather, phenomenal. The price of Admission was evidently negotiable as many people said they had refused to pay the $15.00 at the gate and were told to pay $10.00.

The parking situation and field set up could have been better but it was sufficient.

I did not enter anything in the show, so I can't comment on the classes or evidence of non-conformity within the Supposed Guidelines set forth by the powers that be, where they be is still being debated but they aren't here right now.

I did however observe the judging and from what I witnessed it was on par with many amateur Shows. On the upside it was announced several times that in order to be judged you must have your hood and trunk open or at least be with your car or truck so that you may open them for the judges.

The weather was great, the venue adequate, organizers were trying and the price was probably worth it.

Robbie R. was seen and so wasn't Tommy W. ask them for the gory details.


Another Slap

Today as I was running errands in the wonderful twin city area I observed another Slap in the Face to all legitimate Antique Vehicle Owners.

A Van of the Aftermarket Conversion type driving down the road. No big deal right, but it was noon and it was going into Burger King. Still not a big deal ? It stopped and a work crew got out and got lunch.

The vehicle had ladders on the top for a paint crew of some type and equipment visible inside the vehicle. Definetly being used as a commercial vehicle.

With Antique Plates affixed to it in plain sight and no State Inspection Sticker.

I have nothing against the legitimate antique vehicle owner or their vehicle as long as it used as it was meant to be used. My problem lies in people who use the benefits of this type of registration to get away from the requirement of Inspection. Either because it is too costly to repair or they just don't care that they are endangering our right to use this registration as it should be used or that in all probabilty are in endangering the general public to bodily injury. But now to use it on a commercial vehicle is even worse.

When the State Cracks Down it will Hurt Us All.



On Saturday the 12th of September there will be a Benefit Car/ Motorcycle Show in Lewiston from 12noon until "the Fat Lady Sings".

For the Benefit of the Fields Family.Trophies for Best of Show.

Corner of Crowley Road and South Lisbon Road at the old Crowley Road Grange Hall.

Warning to the Faint of Heart and prissy "Tiquers" this is not your regular Car Show, it does involve Motorcycle Clubs. You might get your picture taken by a legal authority keeping an eye on the comings and goings. There may also be Firearms or Alcohol or Both.

Could be fun or it could be something other than different.

Also on saturday in Greene is a Cruise in and Parade not many details just a blip on the Radar. Maybe some body with info can get it to me.

And Finally Bangor Wheels on the Waterfront or how can I screw you out of your money. Well not likely to happen to me as I'm not taking the Street Rod. I'll pay the Spectator Fee and do my thing and leave. $15.00 a car is an outrageous price and they can kiss my ass for it.

Updated at 11:10PM No Firearms


Pissing Contest

The incident that occurred at the Shaw’s Ridge Show with certain parties playing “King Shit of the Turd Pile” was not witnessed by myself and will not be commented on in itself.

The incident was unfortunate and should not have happened but was almost inevitable. When one persons power of communication is aimed at a subject for so long sooner or later the subject will feel cornered and fight back. As any animal by instinct would.

Most times letting it go, mellows an attitude. In this case it only intensified the attitude of the subject and caused the overflow of emotion that occurred. The general attitude of both subjects having everything to do with the incident.

It was not the time or place for this type of action nor will it ever be the time or the place. Violence will only escalate and involve innocent subjects.

So with that said I will finish with this statement.

Take your shit down the road and sort this out or leave it at home.

Toys for Tots Photo Gallery

Link to the Road Scholars Site for Toys for Tots



Shaw's Ridge Judging

After having several conversations today on the Shaw's Ridge Show, the conversation pointing to the poor judging outweighed the good judging.

I saw Judging on Saturday and Sunday and can say Saturday's was better all in all. Sunday's seemed to skip some cars but from what I witnessed the cars that were skipped didn't have trunks or hoods open, thus the deductions for this would cause these vehicles to be eliminated from judging.

Anyone who feels that this is unfair needs to find the judging standards and review them or find any good judge and ask them. This is a normal happening. If the complaints are coming from vehicles that did have a hood or trunk open then the complaints should be heard.

Toy Run or Toys for Tots

Can you say, "Holy shit". Go ahead say it, and you will be stating the obvious.

Words can not describe the feeling of pride in the scene of a full parking lot at 10:15AM on Monday. My faith in my fellow man has been restored for today and probably the foreseeable future.

An endeavor that was started 3 years ago with 149 vehicles from throughout Maine, came to fruition in Portland with over 200 vehicles and a true multiple club function. The representatives of the USMC that came to the 3rd Annual Toys for Tots Car Toy Run filled the trailer they brought with them in the 1st hour and through out the day wondered if the truck/trailer combo was going to be enough.

The work of 2 people Stan Page and his more than exceptional wife Cheryl really pulled it off. In fact pull ain't enough. Yank is what they did. With News Coverage on WCSH 6 and WMTW 8.

The Club involvment was phenomenal, with the Yankee Cruisers providing parking assistance and Downeast Street Rods the food, the list of contributing clubs included Knucklebusters, Uptown Kruizahs, Road Scholars, Rods and Kustoms, Rusty Nuts and even Team 207, the day was a fantastic tribute to everybody heading in the same direction for the same reason.

To Stan & Cheryl, Well Done & Thank You

To All the Clubs, Good Job

The weekend was a Slam Dunk 3 for 3


Shaw's Ridge

Well it was a great day again, with great folks again, seeing great cars again, with everybody looking like they enjoyed themselves immensely again.

The trip from here to there had a few NASCAR moments and people just don't get the concept of yield, but we had fun getting there.

Had a great day and can count on 1 hand the problems that most shows have. Frank Svatek must have been wearing roller skates as he seemed to be everywhere, sometimes at the same time. Please tell me he was an only child.

Never can get a handle on the classes but then again would I really want too.

Super job by all. The weekend is now 2 for 2.



Well to say this was the worst show ever would be a lie. Saying it needs a little work would be correct. To say it would be a flop before seeing the show was just plain wrong.

It was in effect a very well put on show with great people putting it on. They know they have work to do. They know they made a mistake by combining imports and tuners. They then surprised a few people and in fact had a Pre 1950 "tiquer" class. Special interest was its usual uninteresting self and there wasn't anything special about it either. But being a judged show this seemed a moot point.

After observing the judges at work in several classes, they proved themselves more than capable of their duties and did a fine job. The only problem was, not enough of them. The thing in their favor, not one had a car entered.

I talked with several groups of people and found no complaints that can't be handled by next year. Everybody said they were having fun, imagine that.

Not going to this Show and giving it an even chance was the mistake that many made, but alot more people proved that going was the start of great weekend. This was their best turn out to date and next year will be better.

Today was a very good day with a very good crowd at a well run and executed Car Show

Well Done.


Bus Schedule

Toy Run leave points and times are as varied as my tolerance to ineptitude and arrogance.

From Auburn Park and Ride, at the Turnpike. A Group leaves at 9:00AM with another leaving at 9:30AM. Still in the Mix is the Group from Gray at 9:30AM.

Make your plans and let me know when and where you are leaving from.

I leave at 9:30AM from Auburn taking Route 100/202 all the way to the destination.



I got an e-mail and was reminded of another show and being a Dog owner shame on me.

So without further delay heres the e-mail.

There is one more show at Pease Air National Guard in Portsmouth N.H. This benefits the working dog foundation and with the economy in the shitter even the dogs need some help. I have been to this show a couple years ago, had a real good time,and they are the only car show that gives out trophies with dogs on them hah! More info can be had at www.workingdog. org (thought I was kidding huh)

Bob Reed

Thank you Bob

Orange Marmalade and Bacon Sandwich on Toasted Pumpernickel

What has this got to do with a car show or event. Keep reading, it will come to you.

Have you ever been asked if you like something and said no, and yet you have never tried it. I watched a Show on the Food Channel the other night and this guy said that his favorite food was an Orange Marmalade and Bacon Sandwich on Toasted Pumpernickel, I cringed at the thought of such a weird thought and combination of flavors and said no way would I ever like it.

I then thought about the ingredients of this "Comfort Food" and said alone, I like them all. As with anything I dared myself to try it and now have one more thing that I can actually say is absolutely fantastic. This sandwich is so different with the sweet sour marmalade working with and against the smokey saltiness of the bacon and the tangy rye toasty bread. I thought I died and went to heaven. I have a friend who also doesn't like a lot of different things but has never tried them and over the years she has tried many things at our behest and found that she actually likes more foods than ever. Including the marmalade and bacon combo.

As it was recently posted here, I promised myself and few others I would stop the sniping at HotKarz. This is not Sniping it's a full on Frontal Assault.

Bill Vaughn, you my friend, are way off base to say a show is bad when you have never been and have jumped to the assumption that a list of ingredients (flier) is the sum total of the Show. You yourself have stated that you have never been to the Vineyard Church Car Show and "missed it", yet you condemn it because of the combination of ingredients does not appeal to your palate, yet the ingredients that make a car show individually are all there and are very appealing to your and other peoples palates.

You get to drive your car, you get to show your car to people who have probably never seen it and would like to and you get to sit with friends in the fine weather for most of the day. You have time and time again stated loud and clear, from your blog that the Trophy is not important. If it is not important then why don't you try the show and try to have a good time or some fun rather than look for the bad before it actually happens.

I have never been to the Vineyard Show. I will be at the Vineyard Show so that I can honestly say it was a mess or a fun day. I will also be at Shaw's Ridge even if last years awards were a Chinese fire drill without the Chinese, because the rest was fun.


Big Weekend

September 5,6 & 7are going to be a big weekend and we can participate in all or some of the great shows and events.

First on Saturday the 5th you have got this little show in Lewiston at the Vineyard Church on Foss Road nice location and they really try hard. It is their 3rd Annual so hopefully they know what to do. Besides who want to slam a show that's put on by a church.

Then on Sunday we have a choice. You can travel Northeast about 4hours and go to the Springfield Fair Car Show in Springfield, Maine. Or you can travel southwest to just outside Springvale, Maine to the 3rd Annual Art of Transportation Car Show at Shaw's Ridge Farm on Rt.124. This has got to be the most diverse (or perverse depending on your mood) car show I have attended. It's a great location with great food and home made ice cream. Last year we had a great time up to the award ceremony, it was longer than it really needed to be. Classes are well, "different" is being kind. Last year they had a Best Rust class. This Show is worth the Trip if you've never been. You can go to this site for more info, http://www.frankslistmae.com/Introducing3rdAnnual.html

Monday the 7th of September marks the date of the 3rd Annual Multi Clubs Cruise/ Toy Run. This for the USMC'S Toys for Tots. This is being held at the Portland Motor Club at 275 Presumpscot St. in Portland. All Vehicles and Clubs are welcome with one stipulation. Bring an Unwrapped Toy and have fun. When they say multi club they really mean it. Members of the Yankee Cruisers, Knucklebusters, Down East Street Rods, Uptown Kruizah's and the Road Scholar have all had a hand in the soup to see to it this event goes off without a hitch. Without the Vision and Guidance of Stan & Cheryl Page, this event would have been buried long ago.
More info is available at, http://www.portlandmotorclub.com/blog/?p=190

Now for the long term forecast. HOLY SHIT