

Yeah I know. Believe Me I know.

Sometimes you just need a little in incentive, other times not so much incentive as you do time.

We started out slow this season and just haven't had the enthusiasm this year as we have in the past. We missed Medomak and that threw us all off a bit but then we went to York and here it is July and its been a month since our last post.

York, PA. was a great time put on by the NSRA. Over 3,000 vehicles filled the town and its surroundings for the last day of May and first 2 days of June. Vendors, Entertainment, Good People, Fun Evenings and Close Friends made this weekend Terrific. Oh we took wrong turns and made some laughs on ourselves on the way down but that is what makes for a good time.

Before we came home we spent some time at Gettysburg. Being the 150th Anniversary of the Momentous Battle of the American Civil War it was awe inspiring and more. I can not really describe the feelings or sights of this area. I can say that you need to be there a see for yourself the magnitude of space manpower and history that is preserved for all to see.

Owl's Head was just plain crazy. Cars, Cars and more Cars. That was from the Museum as the new director pulled out more vehicles to actually drive in the 2 days that we were there than in the past 10 years says that things have changed at Owl's Head...for the better.

Nothing ever changes quickly around here except the amount of cheating, lying, trophy poaching little bitches that are now gaining another foothold on the hobby, but that is the norm not the unusual.
At Harrison I did what I normally did and put my placard on my seat so as not obtain or garner any votes away from a better vehicle. Minutes after walking away and visiting with some participants, I turn to see my placard in my windshield. Now I don't know if it was done as joke or by one of the organizers, to show his authority or perhaps it could be a reader of this rag, it doesn't really matter as you my friend are a Douche Bag.

You do not reach inside a persons vehicle without permission for any reason. Plain and simple. Beating you about the head and shoulders with a used condom would be to good for you. I will be kind and leave it at that but at the time of the incident your family heritage, your gender and whether you knew your father did come into question.

The season is about half done. hopefully I'll get something to write about regularly.