
Bargain Basement Blizzard Sale

As I sit here, ass deep in yet another snow drift, Ken Matthews makes a request that reminds us all that spring IS coming and Car Shows are part of it.

Would you please post this on exhaustfumes for me.

From CAR SHOW 2010, I have 17 - "NEW" cast resin trophy/plaques, they measure 8-1/2 inches high and 8-1/2 inches wide they can stand up or be mounted on a wall. These make great car show trophies. I will let them go for $8.50 each($144.50)for the lot, or $9.50 single. If you are putting together a car show these will save you money. Also, I have 26- class sign holders 8-1/2x11 and the post with weight blocks for sale.
I can be contacted @ 207-272-4491
Ken Matthews207-272-4491 Fax. 207-655-3571

Now thats a low price and a hell of a deal



The All Club Social was as good as ever and Direct Display Publishing should get a round of applause for doing a great job of hosting this annual gathering of Cabin Fever Sufferers. As Always there was more food than needed and many were seen filling their pockets with desserts as they left.

Here is what we learned today. Togus is a very large Event that needs bodies to help out a small club that has fallen on some health issues in its membership.

We also Understand that the Kora Shriners Show is Done as in OVER, NOT, or if you wish KILLED. Evidently even the Shriners are having personnel problem. That was painfully apparent in its choices of judges the last few years.

The Hodgman's Show is a Go and also requires a little help on the Manpower Front but that is covered by the many who have helped in the past who have already begun to step up to the plate.

On a more personal front it was Officially Announced today that the Annual Hole in the Wall Cabin Fever BBQ is NO MORE. After putting this event on for the last 11years the wife and I have decided to end on a high note as Last year was possibly the best turnout and time of all. Believe me it was not an easy decision. But have no fear we are cooking up another idea that will be announced at some point in the spring or early summer.

In the Meantime get over to the Road Scholars Site for the latest on the Calendar and events pages.

Oh and the Daytona 500 showed us all that at times Youth and Exuburance can defeat Old Age and Cunning. But only if your driving for a team like the Wood Brothers does it make it that much better.
Great Job Kid


And Now For...Good Stuff

So here it is the last of the February Blah's to be continued by the March Doldrums and then the season begins or does it.

Sunday is the Daytona 500 or the Pair's Competition in Auto Racing. Yep that was exciting "yawn".

Or you could get your sorry asses down to the Bath All Clubs Social to hear all the gossip and get the latest on what shows are and are not going to happen. Pot luck as always and a good time for sure. Starts at 1pm but I usually stroll in a little early and find a spot to set down the cookies.

Sounds better than the upcoming "Tandem Two Step" aka Daytona


From Bugusta A Familiar Sound... DUH!

As an earlier post indicated, a legislator has sponsored a bill proposal for vehicles registered under the Antique Auto criteria to be exempt from needing mufflers. Evidently the legislator's constituents that have hounded him, are not comfortable with the 95dba limit that is presently on the books as Statute.

This tells me that the "constituents" are in all likelihood not running stock engines and are probably a couple of "so far from legal it hurts" Antique car owners, that the only way they can get on the road is with a non-inspected vehicle.

Sitting in my big comfy chair on Saturday night is normal. Getting a phone call from the Legislator at 8:30pm was not. After listening to him for about 5 minutes, I explained to him about the Work Group that had just reported to the Transportation Committee. He knew nothing about it. DUH.

I then told him that 95dba is loud enough to have him removed from a public building if he shouted that loud. I also explained that as a hobby we have worked with the state since the 70's and gotten what we wanted through negotiation and respect.

Having the chance to educate this legislator on the fact that the 95dba that is in place was asked for by us in 2003 so that another bill proposal would not be more restrictive and the standard was set forth by the SAE was great. Getting a DUH as a response just shows you what we are up against.