

As I shoveled a little remnant of this last snow storm into the pile, I realized that spring was here. But don't get your hopes up for an April Fools Hot Rod ride.

Remnants of the legislative hoohah are still in the works, with the line being drawn by some for a battle royale of sorts on LD943 and 945. These are bills that would make it a traffic violation to mis-register your vehicle. This violation would have a minimum fine of $200.00 with the max being $1000.00 or more.

So now you get pulled over for a mis-registered vehicle IE the 4X4 with a plow and are handed the summons which you have to sign or lose your license ( Automatically). Then you pay the fine or go to court. If you paid the fine you may get a knock on your door from the Sheriff saying your under arrest for a Class E Felony, Falsifying a Government Document. You could be in cuffs by the time you lose in court for the same thing.

How? You filled out the Affidavit when you registered your shit box as an Antique Vehicle because it won't take a sticker, which clearly states that it's a Class E Felony to Falsify this Document. Antiques are a limited use and are not to be used everyday, or for the conveyance of goods (Plowing Snow). Basically by admitting your Shit Pile on wheels is mis-registered, you admitted to a Falsification of the document you signed. By the way according to my source, a Class E Felony is punishable by up to a 6 month jail term and a $10k fine.

They say you can't fix stupid. But here in the State of Maine we are trying to prove that theory wrong.



Both of the latest bills that could have put a crimp in the hobby have been laid to rest with the following words, "Ought Not To Pass". Although this seems to be the vernacular of a Lobsterman from Tenant's Harbor it is in fact the language used to tell people it died.

Some of the things brought up will however be brought forward in a Departmental "Omnibus Bill" that has more to do with policies of BMV than Law. Knowing this we can monitor the bill and see the wording changes that will transpire and speak as needed.

Some the language changes is the title of Sec. 457 that now says Limited Use Registration. This in all likelihood will read Hobbyist Registration with Sub-Categories for each plate, IE Antique, Custom etc.
The other major change is the Fee related to registration. It is rumored that the Fee for Antiques will rise and be level with the others in Sec. 457.

LD 943 and 945 have yet to be scheduled for hearing but they are of little consequence to those that adhere to the rules & regulations that are now in place. By giving enforcement a little incentive to pull over the violators of the rules governing the Antique Vehicles in the State Maybe people will leave them alone.


Pyro Technics and Religion

Having stated time and again that this rag is for car talk, please feel at ease because this is not about any organized religion or fire bugs.

Having spent the better part of an afternoon in Bugusta at a building, that from here on will be refered to as Adult Day Care, my mindset was to help a group of fellow hobbyists in battling yet another attempt to curtail our hobby with more rules and regulations.

Public Hearings are a freedom that we have and should participate in at every chance given. Being an Official in a National Organization holds a little weight with committee members who usually get Joe Podunk from East Buttlunch who owned a Model A in 1952 but nothing since. Being in a hobby segmented into diverse groups that seldom see eye to eye can be a slippery slope. Over the years a few representatives of these groups have opened a conversation that has been workable.

One of those that has been in the trenches with the hobby is the Right Reverend Fudgewhistle, who over the years has beat a drum that at times is right on the beat and at others not so much. I went to Adult Day Care to help his segment curtail its impending doom and stood in position that showed the committee alternatives to the doom that could be more than workable.

Hearing the Vintage Car Plate bill however did not go so well as the Reverend was a little disorganized and faltered at the podium just long enough to lose the crowds interest and from there it was all downhill. At some point the 457 Bible started to get thumped and the crowd really lost any interest.

After standing again and showing the Committee several alternatives and clarifying a few misstatements by the Right Reverend the bills were sent to Work Session and we adjourned to the Hallway. A discussion between the gathered hobbyists ensued and as always the Reverend turn to the 457 Bible. Attempting to turn the conversation back to the matter at hand was futile and only irritated the Reverend. After trying to explain my stance and telling the Rev. to listen he then lit the match.

Having closed my shop for the day and having no one to answer the phone but an answering machine is pretty hard to take when it’s not for a good cause. Trying to help a segment of our hobby that is not your own was a good intention and a good cause or so I thought

Being Blamed for shit that happened before your time was the match being struck as the Reverend stated as he wagged his finger at me, ”This trouble all started When You Street Rod Guys Asked For Your Own Plates". The bridge caught fire almost immediately. Then to fan the flames the statement of, "Why do you want to change something that has worked for 58yrs," turned it into a 5 alarm fire of almost epic proportions. Yes I will say that bridge burned to cinders in seconds, leaving nothing behind to rebuild.

Two things that never bode well for a good relationship are placing blame as a reaction to one’s own faults and wagging your finger in MY face. I will see these two bills through to whatever path they take.

However at the end of this session of bills I will no longer stand up for the "Tiquers" in any way shape or form. I will not be blamed for close minded thought processes that are as old and antiquated as the cars they drive. It’s time to get off the pot boys and girls and drag yourselves into 21st century as the same song and dance that was played on Wednesday fell upon deaf ears. It might be time for a new Gospel.

Added at 2:00pm 3/8/13
2 more LD's have appeared on the radar both basically the same but dealing with punishment and language making it an traffic infraction to "Misregister" a motor vehicle with one including "Antique Auto". These are list as LD943 and 945