
Cruise Nights and Things

Ok, I'll admit that I'm not a cruise night type of person. Either due to the time frame or location, I just don't see the big deal. Some are good, some aren't, simple. Most have started or will be soon.

Changes are in abundance with an addition or 2 and some locational changes and deletions to others.

First the deletions and contrary to a popular magazine and its adjoining web site the Maine Coastal Cruisers monthly cruise in at 5 Points in Biddeford is no more. Because of the work involved, the cost involved and a change in the clubs officers they have decided to get back to the Cruiser portion of their name and call it a done deal. The Thursday night Cruise In listed for TJ's Pizza in Biddeford is also done and gone with that one being moved to the Drydock Restaurant on the same night.

CHoP is another locational change and will now be held on the other side of the highway with its own food for those that do not wish to partake in crossing Rte 100. I never realized that Mr. Stuart Pidd had a controlling interest in CHoP.

Now there is a new kid on the block up in Turner at the Landmark Restaurant on Rte4 (formerly the Chic-A-Dee. I know food is better and the owners father in-law is a Car Guy and the Property Owner is another Car Guy. The distance from the residence of the Dancing Dipstick is a stone throw yet I understand he is not participating as the blithering DJ.

Another that never gets much attention is up in Woodstock at the Woodstock Oil Company parking lot on 6/20, 7/18, 8/15. It is a hike but it is still in the borders of our fine state.

Which raises a Question. Why do we travel 3 hours to a Show in our state when we could go an hour to New Hampshire for the same $25.00 Cheap Ass Trophy.


Trophy Whores Melt.

So Moody's was a wash out as the rain started at 8am and didn't stop until about 10. A little rain never hurt anyone but it did kinda put a crimp in the Show.

They had a few hardy souls that let mother nature wash their rides and dampen the show but the spirit of giving was never more apparent than the dog and cat food brought in to support the ASPCA.

The nice part was the fact that there was no jockeying for position or fighting over who got what. The ones that showed up, were there because they wanted to be, not for some awards that collect dust or enhance the size of your penis.

Trophy hunters, turds and sugar must all melt in the rain.

Didn't see any at Moody's.


Hey Numbnuts

This one is a funny, to me anyway.

I got a call about an upcoming event. The person that called has forced me to create a new character that will be used in certain situations or in certain stories here at this rag. The Character will be a non-descript entity with only his name as a clue to the true meaning.

The phone rang with a Mr. Stuart Pidd on the other end asking about the Moody's Car Show. He wanted to know about classes, vendors, how many are expected etc. We chatted about some other events and how he really liked Medomak. He then asked about Moody's yet again, but this time he told me he was leaving at 6AM so he could get there by 8AM. I thought about this for about 5 seconds and asked him why, knowing full well he lived in the L/A area and was 15 minutes away even during 3o'clock traffic. Stu Pidd then stated to me quite adamantly that the show is in Waldoboro.

Mr. Stu Pidd was then informed that it was Moody's Collision in Lewiston not Moody's Diner in Waldoboro. His red face could be felt through the Phone.

Hey Numbnuts.


And Their Off

We started out with a good attitude about a month ago but that quickly turned to "Fuck Me" in about a minute. Due to the mechanical difficulty beyond my control I didn't attend the opening day of the Cheap Ass Trophy Hunting Season.

We did however, make do with a little local event that was a lot less Trophy and a lot more fun. The NSRA Member Appreciation Day went real well and the results were great. Advance Auto Parts really stepped up to the plate and provided us with some awesome prizes and a great place for the event. Thanks for Everything Dave & Crew.

However, my legion of followers (how many in a legion) are reporting that Medomak wasn't as Rosie from their point of view as usual. Now you have to understand that I have no details on who or what but I will say this. Blah Blah Blah I'm Butt Hurt and wah wah wah we feel that the show sucked.

Guess What. I no longer Speak Butthurt. If your little whiny Ass or in some cases not so Little is willing to put down a show because of the usual problems of "I'm Fucking Special" and "Look At Me I'm A Prick", please get OFF MY PLANET.

Somebody out there give me a point of view that isn't filled with hormonal fluids and who's dick is swinging the furthest.

I'm going to like this season. I can Tell.

Added at 4:54PM

And the truth be told it was a huge Show with the count closer to 500 vehicles than 400. With that amount there will be Butthurtedness through out the Kingdom of Glum. But on the up swing it looks like Bonney Eagle is hard pressed to be better. Oh sorry Bonney Eagle of years gone by would be hard pressed, not so much today. Word has it that it was a good show with all the people that usually attend and quite a few more.