
Jim Lamb Update

Forwarding along info from Chris Lamb

Well the arrangements are made and the Celebration of the Life of Jim Lamb is June 27 from 11-2 at 515 Main St in Oxford. There are no visiting hours or funeral per Jim's wishes. We are to open his museum and party. So come and join us. We will give all a chance to tell any Jimmy Lamb stories you might have or can share. I also want to thank ALL of those who have sent there best to his family and I. You are all so loved by Carol, Kelsey, Wendy , Matt and I. Thank you



Got this today.

To all family and friends the life of Jim Lamb lives on in many ways but the man himself is now at peace. At about 11: 50 pm he passed away at CMMC He waited for Carol Kelsey and I to fall asleep.

He will be missed


And We Went

Nice day, Good Ride, Friends to enjoy and a show with some potential and a culinary arts program.

First I was told that Route 11 was all torn up and was going to be a mess. I took a chance and found some of the best pavement in the state. So whoever you are that made that statement please check your shorts you forgot to wipe.

The crowd was a good crowd, the venue a little tight on parking and the classes sucked. Eggs ain't groceries, Pigs ain't poultry and Street Rods ain't Customs or Special Interest. There were more Street Rods than the latter combined and from talking with others they won't change it. Ok but tell me before you take my money.

Best of Show was appropriate. The usual suspects were called and then the Church of Bad Intentions committed itself to its Sunday afternoon service with a bunch of imitation hellfire and brimstone provided by the Mid-Life Crisis Choir who discovered that burning the tires off your car proved that your penis is small your IQ smaller and that God does protect children, drunkards and fools.


Go Jump In A...

Lake Region is Sunday, so we are thinking of attending. We have never been to this show and a waiting patiently to see what it is like.

After having that little American Legion Show leave a bad taste in our respective attitudes it has been a good long time since we visited the area for anything other than driving by.

So lets see what the Show gives us.