
Well Now

 Two days, 2 shows, great iffy weather and a story.

Andover, was as always, a great show with some great cars and the weather started crappy but finished strong. There didn't seem to be any hanky panky in the classes or awards and the shit truck didn't show up midway through, for the douching of porta shitters. Well Now that was the frosting on the cake wasn't it.

Oxford was as usual packed with great weather to start and rain to close it out. A little trophy poaching was seen and people running the gate didn't like being over ruled and probably won't help next year. Well Now like we didn't see that coming. The thing I didn't see coming, is a certain worshiper of the almighty $25.00 Cheap Ass Trophy chose not compete by scratching out his number. He also realized that he could have great day without getting an award.

Gather round children for the story.

Seems the Reverend Cat Crate has pulled the wool over some people eyes and passed himself off as a judge at a car show earlier in the year. It probably would have been OK if the Reverend had of picked a car in the class that was actually deserving of the trophy. Picking a car, you at one point owned, for first place was wrong in the eyes of the participants, organizers and even God frowned. God doesn't play favorites and neither should he.Then we get the prayer cards and the name change and all is right with the world. I'm thinking not.

I feel bad that a defrocked man of the cloth has to stoop that low to raise his self esteem. I feel worse for the Organizers of the show that he screwed as it will be hard to get the respect back that was lost because of his antics. If your thinking I'm going say I feel for the Participants who didn't get what was rightfully theirs, I'll say this, "Y'all Motherfuckers need Jesus" it was, after all is said and done, a $25.00 Cheap Ass Trophy. But still it wasn't right.

If you would all rise and open your hymnals to page 73 so we may all sing.

Give me that old time religion
Give me that old time religion
Give me that old time religion
It's good enough for me.