
The Demise

I need to thank all those who sent their sympathies and condolences to the wife and I over the loss of our friend and k-9 companion, "BOZ". We deeply appreciate all your cards and E-mails.
I would say that the holiday felt a little hollow without him, but knowing that our friends felt the loss also, made us feel a little better. Thank You.

But that is not the Demise I'm talking about.

I'm talking about a movement that is making it's way through the Car Show Circuit. The movement concerns the elimination of much debate, argument, drama, tension and potential fisticuffs. We are possibly looking at the Demise of the Special Interest class as we know it at several large well run shows, that have heard and seen enough Bullshit.

After listening to the many comments and seeing first hand the drama brought at certain shows over the past year many show organizers are loosing the name Special Interest for the names of Open or Orphan both of which will fit the generalized misuse of Special Interest quite nicely. Along with this is the creation of a Customs class to help eliminate the long and loud diatribes from certain corners of the Show Scene that a few organizers found to be irritating and childish.

Another train of thought is that a class that averages two to three real Special Interest vehicles per show, is not worth the trouble of finding a sponsor. The Economy has tightened up sponsorships, and needing one more can be a task that can't be fulfilled.

The movement is geared to modifications needed to bring back the friendliness and fun at a lot of shows. It is not a movement to curtail any one's participation, but a movement to stop the potential of cheating and drama and all its festive attitudes. This sounds like a plan that has the potential of stopping the feeling of dread that many of us have felt over the past few seasons. It will also make some organizers feel more comfortable knowing that the classes they provide will not be an issue of having a big enough "sandbox".

We as hobbyists are all responsible for the "fun" factor at car shows and this can be a way that we are showing others the "fun" in car shows. To the few that think that this a feeble attempt to stop the participation of your Special Interest vehicles, it is not. It is a way to stop the constant protests and arguments over definitions and interpretations.


Tis The Season

Merry Christmas to one and all. May you have a joyous holiday with friends and family.
Be Safe.


New Show

I was invited to attend a meeting of a local Car Club this past Saturday. The only Club Meetings I have attended lately are the Road Scholars Meetings, which are about 5 minutes of official business and 4 hours of feasting and talking.

To think that I was invited was rather refreshing. The last place I was invited too, was out the door. So I put on my best attitude and attended at their request. The reason they requested me was to pick my brain on putting on a proper car show. So their fingers got gooey and they came up with a plan. They will be putting the details together and hopefully have something to announce at the All Clubs Social.

The great part was they knew what they wanted in a show. From the very beginning of the meeting it was made clear that certain aspects would be different and some would not exist at all. Everything from classing cars to registration to awards, vendors and details, details, details were discussed and hashed over with the club membership in attendance agreeing on the outcome.

Their ideas were fresh and the enthusiasm level was high. They have everything well in hand and will provide a good show as long as they get the turnout they expect, which is up to us.

When the details land it should be interesting to see how they lay it all out.


Check It Out

As other Auto related sites go into a hibernation like silence, I seem to find more to write about than usual. Being near the Christmas Holiday this next little blip was deemed appropriate for all audiences and might be fun for the inner child in all of us.

You've all see him at various events and Car Shows. He's animated and expressive, exuberant with a touch too much time on his hands. He's "Smitty" aka Mike Smith and he plays with Hot Wheels, which in itself may be funny as a grown man playing with kids toys. The big news is, he is not alone. There is in the State of Maine, a Hot Wheels Racing League, which is very serious in its format of weigh ins and tech and who knows what else.

This is not just a "I'm bored and need something to do", thing. This is a phenomenon that transcends borders and State Lines. It is a part of the hobby that is taking its fan base worldwide.

You can Check it out on Tuesday's at Grid Irons in Lewiston. They meet every other for racing so contact Big Mike Houghton or Smitty. You can find all the details and more info on the Road Scholars site at http://roadsholars.webs.com then go to the News & Commentary page. Check it out and play with your inner child or just get out and enjoy.


Another Milestone

One year ago today at 9:44pm the world changed a little for all of us. It wasn't some catastrophe or terrorist threat, it was much calmer and quite easily done. One year ago today at 9:44pm this Blog had its first posting.

To celebrate I'll repeat the original posting, followed by an editorial of the year and how close we came to our goal.

"12/13/08" Welcome

So here we are all grownup and doing it by ourselves, kinda gives you a warm fuzzy feeling don't it, well don't get used to it.This blog will be about Gearheads, by a Gearhead. Only Gearhead talk and subject matter will be posted and unlike other blogs no politics unless it directly involves the hobby we all know and love.

That being said, have fun and play nice.

Posted by The Editor at 9:44:00 PM 0 comments

So we are still grown up and doing it with a little help from some avid followers. We have done the political statements that could technically affect the hobby, but no tirades about politics in general. I have gone off subject a couple of times but the comments made were in favor of the subject matter. So far so good I'd say.

I started this rag as a way to state an opinion held by a few people who were thinking it. I have written my opinion and the opinion of others loud and clear and jumped on subjects that nobody would go near. I have fought against the opinion of those that have appointed themselves as the Authority of Note. Who claim to be all about the hobby when in fact they are all about themselves.

I have been criticised by some as being against them when in fact I agreed with them. At one point I washed my hands of certain people only to allow them a second chance. Needless to say there will not be a third. I have been asked to change my tactics and seen the others tactics remain the same.

This blog has been a sounding board for shows and cruise nights and shopping at Wally World, along with the Saga of Captain Nut Sack. It has remained true to its original intent or as close to it as possible. It has at all times told the truth. It has never made stuff up or told lies just to get viewers or gain revenue and will remain that way as long as I control it. It has kept contradiction for others to play with, as I have not allowed it here

I have always posted all the comments whether they are for or against the opinion of this rag as long as they are not laced with profanity or attacked someone needlessly, ( there was one that got by me and I have apologized to Ken ).

We will continue until they tell me to stop. I will attack all who attack me and defend all our rights to have a good time at shows. I will keep up on the politics that can hurt us as hobbyists and will fight to get changes made if need be, as I have in the past. Unlike others who point out the problem but run from the fight and state that its not their job.

I am humbled by the followers who read this rag and thank you all for being open minded enough to put up with my opinion. You my friends are the true believers.

That being said, Have Fun and Play Nice

At Last

The final Car Club related Christmas Party is over with and I plan on attending no more this year, 4 was enough. Yesterday I went to Knucklebuster Christmas Party. With a smaller turnout, than in years past it was good to see some new faces and a few old still keeping this club alive. It was good to see some of the good members still there and some that came back after a few years off.

Several different Clubs were represented and even a lone wolf or privateer or two. I was asked why I didn't go to the Rods & Kustoms Party and I explained that many clubs invite us to their respective parties and I go to as many as possible. Being in the somewhat political position I'm in, with a national org. I have to spread myself around and preen a few feathers now and then. Then they wondered why I didn't go to the Standish Brunch Bunch Christmas Party, I said preen not ruffle.

And for those that don't know what today is, check back later to find out.


Opinion on Politics in DC

Getting up in the morning, drinking that first cup of Coffee and cruising the headlines of the local daily rag they call a newspaper, is one thing that I enjoy. Today was like the last except I spit coffee all over the page when reading the Headline, "Feds set to impose emission controls", with the subject being the President giving the EPA virtually autonomous powers from the rest of the Government in order to control emissions from industry, including Automobiles.

I, at that split second had the vision of an Army of Federal Minions wearing little recycling emblems like swastikas doing the goose step as they saluted the President. They all had smog monitors and were probing tail pipes and confiscating vehicles that they deemed unfit to operate, while the owners were carted off to some Hybrid reeducation camp. The pile of burning vehicles looking like a pile of burning books in 1939 Berlin, with the Nazi's piling on more in the name of the fatherland.

A little frightening ain't it. I meant it to be. If this is happening, the antique, hot rod and muscle car owners will be sent to the Smoking section as we will be deemed unhealthy. We will be the whipping post of all the Environmentalists and Health Care Reformists as the cause of the rising Green House Gasses and the rising cost of Health Care.

Watch your Ass my friends, the EPA has a methane detector with no lube, as it too was deemed a hazard to the environment.


And Today

Down East Street Rods Christmas Party was to say the least HUGE. With a packed room at Gippers and that much Christmas Spirit, they had a great time with good food as always and many tall tales of daring do from Las Vegas and the SEMA Show to regale us with. We had an excellent day.

They had a version of a Yankee swap that entailed people swapping with 2 or 3 people at times. All of this while reading a poem to play by and laughter at all times. A real fun time, only #1 didn't get to trade off with anybody at the end, I know I again obtained the Number 1 and ended up with a gift that was close to the UPS brown tea set from the night before.

With that being said, a new swap meet is scheduled for May 2nd at the Topsham Fairgrounds you can go to the Road Scholars site for details. On the same subject, the Acton Swap Meet that occurs every month during the better weather, may not come back this year. This is according to a reliable source and has not been verified. If you hear of anything about this let me know so I can get the word out.

And now for a good thing, from the Rusty Nuts Newsletter. The date for the All Clubs Meeting has been set. It will be held on February 14th 2010. No other details are available but as soon as I get them, you will.

Until next.

So I Decided

To go to the Motor Menders Christmas Party and sit with a real good group of Hardcore Hot Rod types who actually manage to have a good time even with the shittiest weather imaginable. The food was as always great and I actually went back for seconds (the stuffed peppers were great).

They do their party a little differently. Santa actually has gifts for certain invited child guest stars from area families who aren't as fortunate as we. They get fed as much as they can eat, then get a dessert and Santa. Could it get better?

Then of course is the Adult portion of the program that is your Chinese Auction with the usual trading off of last years tacky gift for another tacky gift to be left with a worse gift than you traded off for because you got number 2. Not the case I got number 1 and ended up with a nice little flash light which then got taken away by someone who didn't like the UPS brown tea set and thought they would get something better. Then they lost that for the traction aids from Hell and by the time the last trade was made they had the UPS brown cup and tea set back with me in possession of a Die Cast 1937 Ford Truck.

The best part was the time that I spent with Connie and Jim Peacock. We talked forever, and I know what Connie said to the little asswipes at New Gloucester. She is ballsy and what she actually said will not be written here and as I said she is ballsy.

A great time with a different group.


"Not a Creature Was Stirring, Not Even a Mouse "

In this case I lie, there are creatures stirring. They are way bigger than any mouse I've seen lately.

Maine Coastal Cruisers is organizing a Bus Trip to the Springfield Swap Meet in January. This Meet is an indoor affair that has close to 350 vendors of "one man's junk another man's gold".

This is open to anyone interested in going. You do not need to be a member of Maine Coastal Cruisers.

Information is available at http://roadscholars.webs.com/