
Well Now Where Were We

 It seems it has been quite some time since we last wrote anything of great importance, or at least worth reading.

We went to a nice little Cruise-In in Eliot this past Saturday. Now Eliot is located so close to New Hampshire that if one was to fart they would smell it in NH before they heard it in ME. Thus the travel time on the interstate is a little boring and way to long.

The host club is the Kruize Knights with music and prizes but hardly any members. They have in fact dwindled in membership to a point that most clubs would call it quits. However they came up with an idea that is working and has been for a year or more. They recruit other clubs to co-host this monthly cruise-in with the co-host club giving out a club pick prize and possibly other door prizes. This symbiotic relationship is working to keep a long time cruise-in going, so the newer members of our hobby can enjoy a great night at a good location with some fine friends.

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