
Something is Returning

So I understand from a certain Blog that disappeared that it will be returning in the spring. It also states that he will have a Porch (personal spelling) as his latest entry into the car show scene.

You are correct in your assumption. Hot Karz is back with his latest entries here . Stating the usual drivel about the "old boys network" and more political stuffing than dressing up a Thanksgiving turkey's ass.

We will see if what he says is true and yes I will battle his opinions when battle is called for, but peace and tranquility will rule until then (blatant lie).

My only concern is that he once came upon the scene and everyone thought he was some messiah to save us from ourselves. When we started to call his bluff he started to be belligerent when he was cornered on an issue. When he disappeared the stated cause were health issues but those seem to be on the mend or perhaps by some miracle cured. I hope people realize that he is not the second coming and I am not Satan for stating my opinion about him.

Be aware, be wary, it could get scary.

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