
"Good Night, Mrs Calabash, Wherever You Are"

A quotation from Jimmy Durante is the only way to begin this post.

After 352 posts it's time. I don't sell snake oil cures or miracle treatments, I don't discuss politics unless it has to do with our hobby. I have always tried to say it like it is and kept the faith through out the many postings that most have enjoyed since the start.

What I have done is give a point of view that sometimes went against the established train of thought. An opinion that went against some oppressive ideas on Car Shows and the way they should be run. We told stories with more characters than the cast of the Sopranos. We've made some friends and a few enemies who I'm sure will be glad to read this. But at all times writing the truth and with a truck load of integrity.

With the advent of the Social Media such as Twitter and Facebook and the instantaneous posting of comments from mobile aps and every gadget known, this Blog is old and Antiquated. It is time to put it to bed.

However it may come back if needed, without warning, at any moment.

I have really enjoyed my time here on the keyboard and especially enjoyed the comments and the greetings given for a good posting or even being called a son of a bitch and an asshole by the ones that were raked over the coals as it meant I made the point and it was sharp. Constantly pushing my opinion on others reminds me to much of someone else and thats not what this Blog was about. Besides I can always say it to their faces.

With that I say Goodnight.


  1. Steve ThompsonJune 19, 2011

    Oh no! Say it's not so.

  2. prettywomanJune 20, 2011

    My sentiments exactly, but understand!

  3. Ken and Janet Matthews GR8-48June 20, 2011

    This almost like a junkie looking for another fix, we go to this site everyday... "now what are we going do??" Oh yeh, that's right, we will still have the editor in person, whom we call a friend. Enjoy your new found "free" time.

  4. Dave & DebJune 21, 2011

    Dave & Deb...we will be sorry for this to end (maybe only for a while?)...we will miss reading your insights. We'll keep our eyes open for you around the 'circut' and around town. Take care and as Ken & Janet said 'enjoy your new found 'free' time'.
